Dr. Gunn Enli er prófessor í fjölmiðlafræðum við Oslóarháskóla og umsjónarmaður verkefnisins Samfélagsmiðlar og kosningabarátta. Rannsóknir Gunn á fjölmiðlum eru einkum á sviði stefnumótunar, eiginleikum samfélagsmiðla og notkun þeirra og fjölmiðla- og samskiptakenninga.
Hér má sjá útdrátt úr erindi hennar á ensku:
The Media Welfare State: Public Service Broadcasting in the Nordic Region.
The Nordic countries constitute a distinct cultural and geographical entity among the world’s nations, and the countries also share a common political, social and economic system epitomised in the concept of the Nordic Model. The concept of The Media Welfare State (MWS) builds on the fact that in the same way that the Nordic countries cluster on a number of social and economic variables, they cluster on variables related to media and communication – both traditional and newer forms. The public service broadcasting corporations in the Nordic countries can in many ways be seen as cornerstones in the Media Welfare State. The talk will discuss the role of public service broadcasting the context of the welfare state, and will also address how recent technological, socio-economic and political changes are reflected in the MWS through adaption and new solutions.