
Dr. Henrik Søndergaard er dósent í fjölmiðla- og boðskiptafræðum við Kaupmannahafnarháskóla. Rannsóknir Henriks á vettvangi fjölmiðla eru m.a. fjölmiðlun í almannaþágu, hagkerfi fjölmiðla og evrópsk fjölmiðlalöggjöf.

Hér er útdráttur úr erindi hans á ensku:

Building Scenarios for Public Service Media in Denmark: What are the Options for Media Policy and How Does it Affect Society?

The presentation deals with the current report from the Danish commission on the future of public service media of which I am a member. I will address the question whether or not public service media has a role to play in a digital media system and discuss how changes in the media market affects the very notion of public service media. Moreover, I will present five different scenarios for organizing public service media in the future focusing on the democratic and cultural functions of the media and the impact of audience fragmentation and the emergence of a new generation gap in media use.