Gauti Sigþórsson stundar kennslu ogauti-photo-2g rannsóknir á skapandi greinum og stafrænum miðlum. Hann hefur undanfarin ár starfað sem fagstjóri í fjölmiðlun (media and communication) við Háskólann í Greenwich. Frá og með Janúar 2017 mun hann taka við stöðu aðstoðar-deildarstjóra í miðlun, menningu og tungumálum við University of Roehampton.

Hér er útdráttur úr erindi hans á ensku:

Refrains of the everyday: Notes on the valuation of public service media

Public service media exist in a state of tension between monetary and cultural value. They are beholden to the economics of the creative industries, as well as to the communal, shared value of culture, identity and a democratic public sphere. Treating public service media instrumentally (e.g., in terms of resourcing, their role in the local/national media market, or return on investment for the taxpayer) risks forgetting their primary, existential justifications. They are economic agents, but their purpose is not reducible to economic terms. As institutions, they are unusual in that their presence follows the everyday rhythms of their audience’s lived experience, through routine, everyday encounters with content and programmes.